Conor McGregor, UFC standout, strongly suggests a potential run for the presidency.Conor McGregor, the renowned UFC star, is contemplating a potential run for the presidency in Ireland amid recent political turmoil. The athlete, known for his outspoken nature, has been vocal about societal issues, particularly in the aftermath of a tragic incident in Dublin involving the stabbing of three children and a carer. The ensuing riots, fueled by claims that the suspect was a foreigner, led to anti-immigrant sentiments and chants. McGregor's social media posts addressing these events are currently under investigation by the police for alleged hate incitement.

In response to the investigation, McGregor accused the authorities of making him a scapegoat, stating on Twitter, "Attempt to scapegoat me all you wish. If it makes you feel better, I will take it." He released a formal statement urging the government to take action and address the issue of racism. McGregor emphasized the need for serious policy reforms related to Ireland's immigration and refugee processes, calling on leaders to act in the best interest of the citizens and the country's future.

While McGregor has previously hinted at the idea of entering politics, recent events seem to have intensified his consideration. On social media, he outlined why he believes he would be a better candidate than potential competitors. Comparing himself to established figures like Gerry Adams, Bertie Ahern, and Enda Kenny, all in their 70s, McGregor highlighted his youth, activism, passion, and lack of political affiliations. He expressed a commitment to being accountable to public sentiment, proposing regular votes and emphasizing that any power would be shared with the people.

McGregor's tweet garnered positive reactions from fans, with many expressing support for a "man of the people" who cares about the nation, transcending political party affiliations. The sentiment among supporters suggests a desire for a fresh and unbiased face in Irish politics, echoing the call for change and a leader who genuinely reflects the will of the people.